Shalom! want to learn hebrew online? we got the best places for you to start at
Traveling to Israel is an amazing experience, but what can make it an even better experience is coming to Israel already knowing the language – Hebrew!
Of course you don’t have to know everything, but imagine how nice it will be to know a bit of hebrew, even the day to day slangs used in Israel.
Now, we will show you The Best Ways to Learn Hebrew Online, from just a few words, to advanced, and you can choose the one which will work best for you.
best ways to learn hebrew online
Hebrew verbs is a very nice website to learn Hebrew online where you can learn Hebrew from choosing a verb and learning how to write and pronounce it in past present and future, you can take quizzes on this verb, listen in on how to pronounce it and more
2. 17 minutes hebrew
17 minutes hebrew is a great website to whoever wants to learn hebrew for using their 17 minutes method, and can be great to learn while driving or doing excercises for example
17 minutes hebrew offer:
- Learn as little as 17 minutes per day.
- You’ll never forget Hebrew again in your life with the unique long-term memory learning method.
- With the novel superlearning technology, you’ll learn 32% faster and can focus better.
- The course is designed to teach you Hebrew on autopilot.
- The learning methods will make learning Hebrew addictive, every single day.
3. hebrewpod101
Another great website which offers a free trial to their service is hebrewpod101, where you can find Short Audio & Video Lessons for Fast and Easy Learning, use Study Tools for Rapid Learning and get Personalized Guidance from Your Own Teacher