Israeli sim card
Getting an Israeli sim card? read the next ten commandments of buying an Israeli sim card which will get you in the right track of coming more prepared for your upcoming trip to israel
1. thou shall not kill time
Don’t waste time buying sim card while in Israel,
Rather enjoy your time and land in Israel having an Israeli sim card already in your pocket?
SIMPATIC sends the sim card directly to your home prior the flight so you can fly to Israel with ease.
You can also benefit a FREE SHIPPING if you get your sim card min. 14 days before your flight,
or pick up the sim card in one of our pickup locations around the USA and Canada free of charge.
And of course, the sim is yours forever to keep or to pass on to a friend 🙂
So while everybody is running around and looking for a way you are all ready to go.
once you land at Ben Gurion airport you can call a cab, Go online and check your email and hotel reservations and much more…
2. Thou shell have reception anywhere
SIMPATIC uses the best Israeli providers in telecommunication so you can enjoy the best reception as possible wherever you are.
3. Thou shall not have a contract for short-term visit
With SIMPATIC you do not have a contract, as we want you to have the comfort of simply using your phone and not worry about canceling some program and maybe forget and pay fines and so on.
Second off, the SIM card is yours and you do not need to return it to us.
We are perfect for short-term vacation up to 3 weeks or so,
need more than that?
look no further – We got you covered!
4. thou shall have the best customer support
We are at your side before the flight, during your travel, and after the travel for any question or inquiry.
We are available by phone and emails Plus we have a crew in Israel of support at all time.
 5. Thou shall not pay more then simpatic offers
We are very competitive with prices, and try to give our clients the best service there is by maintaining competition and an eye open for competitors.
Plus we have the FREE DAY for our new clients, and anyone can make another free day for himself by referring more friends to us – we will take care of them 🙂
For referring friends to us you can click here – You get a free day for each friend who buys our sim card for Israel.
You want to make a connection on a higher scale and become our partner in business? Click here
6. thou shell enjoy the trip
Israel is cool! It’s warm, but it’s cool!
There are so many things to do in Israel, the people are interesting, the women( And men) are beautiful,
The beaches are awesome and landscape changes everywhere you go.
You can look around in our blog to see some articles on beautiful sites in Israel here:
Israel Guide: Golan Heights best places to visit and experience
Israel Guide: South of Israel best places to visit and experience
And of course our WTP guide!
(We mean What to pack to Israel)
7. Honor thy father and thy mother
Call them and tell them that you are ok and safe and that you miss them!
It is very important to call your loved ones once you are far away. make your decisions but don’t forget to update from time to time everything is well.
8. thou shell show off your pictures everywhere
It is your responsibility to show off all the cool pictures you took from anywhere: wherever You are floating in the dead sea, or drinking alcohol with your new cool Tel Aviv friends you just met or placing a note on the western wall.
With great power comes great responsibility and use should feel free to show everyone your pictures and videos on Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram or any weapon of choice 🙂
9. Thou shalt not steal
Instead of lurking to other people open Wi-Fis on the streets of Tel Aviv,
where you can be online all the time and enjoy them as you Do back home.
10. Thou shalt not covet
With a simpatic prepaid Israeli sim card, you get everything you need to enjoy and be ultimately prepared on the communication side of your trip, as you get the sim card directly to your home, you are connected the second you land and have a phone number you can give out to your friends and family to reach you in Israel, you have a support team and who to turn to in need and now all there is to do is to Get your simpatic Israeli sim card and enjoy your trip to Israel!
We are even giving you one day free with this coupon to use at checkout:
Who needs more than that?
Have a good and safe trip – TISA NE’IMA!